Crafted by the angels, godsent
He cannot walk. He cannot speak.
A heart so pure, so innocent
It is the little joys that he seeks.
A simple tune,
Causing joy to flood into his world like a typhoon.
Calling his name,
Resulting in joy you can capture and frame.
Giving my hand,
Triggering his smile to grow and expand.
Piece by piece, I sculpt his wings, allowing him to soar through the air.
One bright light shines upon many pieces of myself; chandelier.
Staring into the mirror,
His radiance stealing the shimmer of the sunlight.
I reconsider,
A lesson being taught, raising my spirit o so bright.
Joy is sewn into the fabric of our worlds,
Bundles of joy buried everywhere, pearls.
We all possess the maps to these treasures,
Leading to joy of immense measure.
But be weary, the compass is within, only shall we discover it first.
With this in mind, we will traverse.
Much like my friend, living unrehearsed.
His wings now full of feathers,
Equipped for all weathers.
I rest my tools,
For my heart shines bright like a jewel.
Gurmehar Bajwa
Ormiston Senior College
From the author:
The poem name is Muditā. (Sanskrit) means joy; that comes from delighting in other people’s well-being. This poem is about my close friend who has diverse needs. Over the years, I have been with him, helping him grow and live to the fullest. For me, his joy and journey bring me joy. From him, I have also learned a few important lessons in life about joy, which I think we can all learn from. We should take pleasure in the little joy’s that life brings to us. We can all experience joy, for it is everywhere if we open our hearts and minds to it.