
News / Maea Shepherd – Kamo High School

Maea Shepherd – Kamo High School

September 16, 2018

This video is about Strong Women.

It is for the Kate Edgar Educational Charitable Trust competition.

As a year 13 female students I have had the wonderful opportunity to share my views in response to the following question: “What does the Suffrage Movement mean to you: your family; your whānau; your identity?”

For me the suffrage movement has meant I have autonomy over my life and my friends over theirs. This song is called Strong Women. The women in this video all embody strength and their right to choose Lyrics My choice my voice, and my families

Getting over boy/girl disparities

Though not quite there, got some equality

Power of v-o-t-e

My friends and I build our identities

Can fight for the me that I want to be

Without their fight where would I be

Power of v-o-t-e

Strong women

We are strong women

Born of strong women

We are strong

Be 18 in a couple months

Ready to use what you gave us

Follow my dreams to what needs must

Legacy of women here strong I can have my own home

Go to work be in the zone I can follow my dreams

Coz I have the right to vote

Maea Shepherd
Kamo High School