
Winners Announcement

June 29, 2023

Congratulations to our Winning Entries

1st – Elisa Prattley
Howick College

“This is a poem of what music means to me.”

2nd – Elaine Zhang
Kristin School

” This video depicts, through snapshot scenes of my life, how music is the thread that binds my experiences together ”

3rd – Layla Woodland
St Cuthbert’s College
Poetry – Drop the Diamond

” Drop the diamond is a poem enlightening the audience about how music is within all of us and shapes our personal world shown through the extended metaphor of “dropping the diamond” on a vinyl record beginning our musical journey through our lives ”

Highly Commended – Anabel Wu
Epsom Girls Grammar School

” It’s a common experience for east Asian kids to be encouraged to play instruments when they’re younger – I associate playing the piano strongly with my childhood. I used a music box to convey feelings of nostalgia and how music can trigger vivid memories and emotions.”

Highly Commended – Bridget Kirton
Epsom Girls grammar School

” Music has a direct influence on people, it provides the ability to control an environment, a blanket between someone and the world. Music fills out the spaces in your mind where thoughts can start to fester. The tone of a song can influence emotion and provide it a channel. This is what I wanted to represent in this painting ” The Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust (KEECT) supports the promotion, advancement and encouragement of women within education, whether it be for research and professional activities, or for artistic and creative activities. The KEECT is one of the biggest supporters of women’s tertiary education in New Zealand, providing financial assistance of approximately $600,000 to over 100 women annually. Funding primarily comes from the proceeds from Academic Dress Hire, as well as generous private individuals and partner sponsors.


For further information, please contact:

Nina Tomaszyk | General Manager | Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust

Phone: 09-358-1044 | Email: nina.tomaszyk@kateedgertrust.org.nz

Winners’ Announcement

August 11, 2022

Congratulations to our Winning Entries

1st – Mahek Dave
Selwyn College
Photography  Self Reflection

“I think my photo portrays my perspective of looking within yourself and staying connected to your soul, mind and heart when you are trying to find your identity, and how the only way to find your passion is to find yourself first.”

2nd – Ivy Lyden-Hancy
Papakura High School
Poetry  ‘Te Maori disciples of the Rapture

“This poem is about my overwhelming love for being a Maori wahine in modern day New Zealand. It conveys how colonialism affected our country, under the influence of Christianity. I utilised the 3 concepts of te kore,te po and te ao marama to bring these concepts to life.  Being Maori is my passion and it drives me every day to do better and succeed.”

3rd – Gloria Li
Avondale College
Art  ‘Follow your passion

“My path was simple: Follow your passion. Pour in your heart and soul. Settle for nothing less than excellence. And with enough hard work and faith in yourself, you can realise your dream.” – Robert Mondavi

Highly Commended – Sophie Clark
Pukekohe High School
Photography  ‘Piano is my Passion

“The piano is a big passion of mine and to see future generations enjoying my favourite instrument brings me joy. My nieces and nephews inspire me every day as they learn new skills. And my mum is the most genuine person out there, she encourages everyone in their passions and interests.”

Highly Commended – Isabelle Lloydd
St Mary’s College
Poetry The Scribbler

“The poem “Scribbler” examines my relationship to writing and to language itself. It seeks to articulate the emotional bond between writer and fruit, and the fixating pull of this expressive form. The poem’s name suggests the idea that my writing is always unfinished, imperfect, for constantly I learn and change”The Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust (KEECT) supports the promotion, advancement and encouragement of women within education, whether it be for research and professional activities, or for artistic and creative activities. The KEECT is one of the biggest supporters of women’s tertiary education in New Zealand, providing financial assistance of approximately $600,000 to over 100 women annually. Funding primarily comes from the proceeds from Academic Dress Hire, as well as generous private individuals and partner sponsors.


For further information, please contact:

Nina Tomaszyk | General Manager | Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust

Phone: 09-358-1044 | Email: nina.tomaszyk@kateedgertrust.org.nz

Winners’ Announcement

August 10, 2021

Winning Entries – Judges Comments

1st – Gurmehar Bajwa
Ormiston Senior College
Poem; Mudita

This was a standout entry to our judges.  They loved the subject matter, and were impressed by the clever use of imagery and rhyming.  While being emotionally driven, it was formally well-structured and displayed a high level of empathy and maturity.

2nd – Hannah Thompson
Botany Downs Secondary College
Artwork; Childhood Imagination

The judges thought this was a clever idea, and the interplay of inside and outside space was well executed.  They were impressed by the artistic skill and application of the paint, as well as the resulting sense of childhood imagination and joy.

3rd – Esther Oh
Diocesan School for Girls
Prose; ‘The Violin’

The judges loved this entry. They felt it was thought-provoking, beautifully written and constructed, with great use of descriptive language and a clever ending that tied in perfectly with the theme.

4th Highly Commended – Dina Aziz
Carmel College
Artwork; Three as One’

The judges thought this entry was a lovely idea, well-considered with strong composition, good skill and use of colour. They felt it related well to the theme portraying the love and security of family as a thing of joy. For further information, please contact:

Nina Tomaszyk | General Manager | Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust

Phone: 09-358-1044 | Email: nina.tomaszyk@kateedgertrust.org.nz. The Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust (KEECT) supports the promotion, advancement and encouragement of women within education, whether it be for research and professional activities, or for artistic and creative activities. The KEECT is one of the biggest supporters of women’s tertiary education in New Zealand, providing financial assistance of approximately $600,000 to over 100 women annually. Funding primarily comes from the proceeds from Academic Dress Hire, as well as generous private individualsand partner sponsors.

Winners Announcement

November 1, 2018

The Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust is thrilled to announce that Maea Shepherd from Kamo High School in Whangarei is the winner of the Suffrage 125 Competition, for her song and video, Strong Women.

View Maea’s entry > As our winner, Maea will receive:

To Give Her A Helping Hand
$500 Cash Prize

To Shine Her Light
Her video showcased online

To Give Her Input Into Our Tomorrow
Opportunity to attend an ideation session for the NZ Global Suffrage Project Maea’s entry grabbed the judges’ attention with its wonderful energy, optimism and its positive portrayal of the diverse faces of women today. “This was a standout – clever and creative.”

The Suffrage 125 competition was held to recognise all the women and men, Māori and Pākehā, who were involved in the suffrage campaign.

The judges were delighted with the energy and creativity of the entries, which responded to the question ‘What does the Suffrage Movement mean to you; your family; your whānau; your identity?’

Through song, video, poetry and prose, these talented young women in Year 13 from secondary schools throughout the Auckland and Northland regions demonstrated how the suffrage movement relates to the issues that are important in their lives. Entries touched on diverse subjects, from female empowerment, to body image, the gender pay gap, and migration and highlighted the challenges and the successes of women.

The Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust is grateful to all the entrants for their bravery in expressing some very personal thoughts, and to the schools for encouraging such wonderful talent in these young women.

For further information, please contact:

Nina Tomaszyk | General Manager | Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust

Phone: 09-358-1044 | Email: nina.tomaszyk@kateedgertrust.org.nz

The Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust (KEECT) supports the promotion, advancement and encouragement of women within education, whether it be for research and professional activities, or for artistic and creative activities. The KEECT is one of the biggest supporters of women’s tertiary education in New Zealand, providing financial assistance of over $550,000 to 120 women in the last twelve months. Funding comes from private individuals, corporates as well as from proceeds from Academic Dress Hire.

Congratulations to all our Entrants

September 16, 2018

Many thanks to the young women from Auckland and Northland who entered our Suffrage 125 Competition.

All the entries were of impressive quality and spoke from the heart. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the Suffrage Movement with us. It has been a privilege and a pleasure to hear about your lives, your families and your dreams.

Congratulations to our top selected entries. All these entries will receive a minimum prize of $100. View the top selected works in our online showcase The top 3 winning entries will be announced here on 28 November 2018, to mark the 125th anniversary of the day New Zealand women first voted. All prize winners will b犀利士
e officially announced at this time.

Nina Tomaszyk
General Manager, Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust