
Anabel Wu – Epsom Girls Grammar School – Highly Commended

June 29, 2023

From the artist:  It’s a common experience for east Asian kids to be encouraged to play instruments when they’re younger – I associate playing the piano strongly with my childhood. I used a music box to convey feelings of nostalgia and how music can trigger vivid memories and emotions. (Materials: acrylic on card)

Anabel Wu
Epsom Girls Grammar School

Bridget Kirton – Epsom Girls Grammar School – Highly Commended

From the artist:  Music has a direct influence on people, it provides the ability to control an environment, a blanket between someone and the world. Music fills out the spaces in your mind where thoughts can start to fester. The tone of a song can influence emotion and provide it a channel. This is what I wanted to represent in this painting.

Bridget Kirton
Epsom Girls Grammar School

Kelly Lim – Selwyn College – Finalist

From the artist:  Music explains strange emotions through different sounds and is a fresh experience every time I listen to it. It brings me back to my childhood when many concepts were too complex for me to understand, yet life seemed simple and new. Music lets my childish imagination run wild.

Kelly Lim
Selwyn College

Mahek Dave – Selwyn College – 1st

August 9, 2022

From the artist: I think my photo portrays my perspective of looking within yourself and staying connected to your soul, mind and heart when you are trying to find your identity, and how the only way to find your passion is to find yourself first.

Mahek Dave
Selwyn College

Gloria Li – Avondale College – 3rd

August 7, 2022

From the artist:

“My path was simple: Follow your passion. Pour in your heart and soul. Settle for nothing less than excellence. And with enough hard work and faith in yourself, you can realise your dream.” – Robert Mondavi.

Gloria Li
Avondale College

Sophie Clark – Pukekohe High School – Highly Commended

August 6, 2022

From the artist: Piano is a big passion of mine and to see future generations enjoying my favourite instrument brings me joy. My nieces and nephews inspire me everyday as they learn new skills. And my mum is the most genuine person out there, she encourages everyone in their passions and interests.

Sophie Clark
Pukekohe High School

Rhythm Hemehema – Dilworth School

August 5, 2022

From the artist: This piece endows a symbolic representation of the truth of the destructive power from colonial invasions towards the people of Polynesia. I am a proud Tongan who bares the pain and suffering endured by my ancestors in their time of struggle to protect their homes. Without their pain, I wouldn’t be here today and so I am passionate about my ancestral history.

Rhythm Hemehema
Dilworth School

Vickie Jiang – Auckland International College

From the artist: This fantastical impressionistic landscape reflects my soul, which constantly returns to the South Island in my imagination. The seasonal changes, from left to right, express that nothing is permanent. However, this special place has a permanent hold on my heart and inspires me continuously to pursue my passions in art.

Vickie Jiang
Auckland International College

Skyla Law Chan – Howick College

From the artist: This triptych represents my passion for introspection and compassion for others. Inspired by van Gogh’s “Boots” – something personal and psychologically honest. The shoes in my painting link my childhood and present, as I wear those shoes now to school, but I used to wear similar shoes as a child.

Skyla Law Chan
Howick College

Grace Powley – Baradene College

From the artist: This artwork shows passion of farming, love of the church and soul through the cows souls going to the church in a time of death.

Grace Powley
Baradene College